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General Assembly 3

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Head Chair

Henri Jan

Greetings, delegates. My name is Henri Jan. I am currently in my last year of high school at Taipei European School, and it is my utmost pleasure to serve as your chair for GA3 SOCHUM in the STMUN XVI conference. I started my MUN experience in my first year of middle school and have participated in a plethora of conferences, such as, but not limited to, STMUN, TASMUN, and THIMUN Singapore, playing different roles. Through MUN, I have had the opportunity to delve into the intricate tapestry of global issues that often elude the spotlight of mainstream media. It has allowed me to hone my research and communication skills, which have been beneficial in both my academic and social endeavours. As we gather for this year’s conference, I hope that delegates will be able to cultivate the discernment to identify fallacious arguments and the ability to articulate their thoughts with precision. Please note that a good night's sleep and a nice breakfast always trump late-night research. Always feel free to contact me with any doubts that may arise. On the whole, let's work together and make this conference a memorable way to kick-start your Christmas holidays!

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Angelina Chen

Honourable delegates, My name is Angelina Chen, a sophomore at Dominican International School, and it is my utmost pleasure and honour to serve as your deputy chair for this year’s GA3. From starting my MUN journey from a shy and quiet delegate in seventh grade, I am now glad to be the one assisting the same quiet delegate that I have been four years ago. MUN, to me, is not just a 2 day conference for tireless debate, but a forum between the future leaders to discuss global issues, innovating ideas, and the future of the world. Through these years of MUN, I can not help but look back at the significance it played in my life. It has nurtured the skills needed in academic environments and further expanded my knowledge in global issues. Besides MUN, I also enjoy playing games, hanging out with friends and playing volleyball. I hope that MUN will not be just a debate activity, but a community where you can make friends with like-minded individuals. I look forward to seeing you all in December!

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