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General Assembly 2

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Head Chair

Vera Wu

Hello delegates, I am Vera Wu, an H3 (Junior) at Taipei European School, and it is a great honour to serve as your Head Chair for General Assembly 2 (ECOFIN).


I started my MUN journey in year 7: entering my first conference at STMUN as a reserved and quiet delegate. At the time, I had only prepared a resolution with around three clauses and an opening speech with no intention of speaking more than necessary. Despite my initial fear of public speaking, I found myself walking to the podium time after time. Model United Nations provided me with a platform to develop my public speaking skills and has helped tremendously with my knowledge of relevant global topics as we explored real-world diplomatic issues. As your Chair, I hope this conference will not only be an opportunity for you to develop your skills in the world of MUN but,  simultaneously, a fun and memorable conference for everyone. I hope to assist you in this new or familiar environment so that you can learn something new regardless of your experience. Along with MUN, I enjoy playing the guitar, debating, and film-making. If you have any questions regarding the conference, don't hesitate to contact me at I look forward to seeing you all at the conference!

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Mischa Chou

Dear STMUN delegates, My name is Mischa Chou, a senior from Asia American International Academy, and I am so excited to serve as your Co-Chair of the General Assembly!


I started my MUN journey in seventh grade when one of my teachers encouraged me to attend STMUN in 2019. While I was well prepared with both my opening speeches and resolutions, the thing that I was not prepared for was the amount of impromptu speeches that I had to make. I remember dreading being called up for speeches and hoping that nobody had any POIs for me. Since then, I have enjoyed debating much more and have made so many new friends.


STMUN 2024 marks my sixth STMUN conference, my second time as a chair, and it is my honor to spend it with you guys. Throughout my MUN journey, one thing I have learned is to not be afraid to message your chairs if you have any questions about the chair report or your stance. And with that, you can reach me at or on Instagram Other than MUN, I also enjoy playing volleyball, reading, and singing my heart out to One Direction and Taylor Swift. If you have any questions, remember, my DMs are always open. See you guys in December!!

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